Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Porn Appears in Twitter's New Vine App

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Porn Appears in Twitter's New Vine App

But above and beyond providing yet another platform for making cat videos, Vine represents a huge opportunity for brands looking to build audiences through creative storytelling, according to local shared media branding experts. "Vine is the next evolution of

Twitter's Vine, an app that allows you to make six-second videos, launched late last week to much excitement. Within hours, thousands of people on Twitter were tweeting small videos. Vinepeek, a new site that lets you watch streams of so-called Vines

Twitter launched Vine, the mobile iOS app that lets users make six-second looping video and share it to various shared networks, just two days ago and it&#0..

Twitter has addressed the topic of six-second porn videos on its service Vine for a second time, admitting that it is "changing how users find and view sensitive content." On Mo

Vine, Twitter's latest foray into video allotment, seems to be having some service issues at the moment. We've been trying to access and use the app here at TechCrunch with no progress, and Vine has tweeted to authenticate the

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