Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Are recent school closings a civil rights issue?

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Are recent school closings a civil rights issue?

A snowstorm that threatens to change over to ice and sleet later in the day is prompting school closings and other cancellations across the Catskills region. Ulster County executive Mike Hein's personnel announced this morning

BEWARE OF BLACK ICE With temperatures sitting at 32 degrees this morning, there's an additional weather alert for the morning including rain and freezing rain so be sure to check for the days local school closings and/or

Parents, students and teachers rallied Monday in front of Crenshaw High School to protest a plot to restructure the low-performing campus and require teachers to reapply for their jobs. Under the plot, approved this month by the Los Angeles Unified

As a retired New York City public-school teacher, I view with fantastic alarm the Archdiocese of New York's choice to close so many schools and wonder what the effect will be not only on the dispossessed students but also on the city schools, to which

City of Howell DPW workers use tractor mounted spinning brushes to clear downtown sidewalks of ice and slush Monday morning in the wake of an ice storm which blew through the vicinity beginning Sunday evening. Photo by ALAN WARD / DAILY PRESS &

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